Mobile app Magic

At Seventh Beam , MAGIC , can happen everywhere and anywhere and to the clients that entrust us to bring their mobile app vision to life we always extend an open invitation to come and regularly meet face to face with their team.. Yes THEIR mobile app development team!! Each and every one of...

Remove the Fear

How do we remove fear within organisations or influence the fear culture in your workplace. What am I talking about? We are seeing more and more sharing of knowledge / experience and ideas in the market place. I don’t mean sharing key secrets more that we are seeing companies/ people breaking down the Fear...

Filler up!

Since the invention of the mobile phone it has not been welcome at the petrol station. However BP and Caltex are looking to change that with their mobile apps enabling users to pay for their fuel without leaving their car and with 7/11 driving people to their bowsers based on price sensitivity and value...