IoT Build Indicator

If you want to build a solid maintainable app, you need to have a repeatable build and automated testing.  All our projects are run with automated tools. The point of the automated tools is letting everyone know when something goes wrong, so that it can be fixed as early as possible and ensure that...

Kotlin Higher Order Functions

Working through some back end Firestore code last week, and wanted to create a single query interface to my repository.  The Firestore query interface doesn’t have a single query method, but rather a number of different query methods on a CollectionReference such ‘whereGreaterThan’ or ‘whereEqualTo’.  Each of these CollectionReference query methods have the same...

Kotlin typealias

Type alias allows you to create an alias for any Type.  Why would we want to create another name for Int or String?  Its all about readability  Consider that you are storing a time, or a currency amount?  In java days we would store them: String amount = 250 Int elapsedTime = 120 How...